Wednesday, January 17, 2007

WOW!!! This Is A Great, Compassionate Class

The kids blew me away today! I stopped at Granby Elementary to pick up the supplies and cash the class was collecting for the Project at Andrew Jackson Elementary. A whole case of supplies and $446.64 in cash (held by the two girls in the front right) were raised over the holidays and the first week after. I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! When we first discussed the problems at Andrew Jackson, the class thought they might be able to raise $50.00, and that would have been terrific. But, $446.64????

I can't say enough wonderful things about this group of young adults. You can tell by the smile on my face (back left) that I am very proud of their compassion and their hard work in raising the money.

Not just the children, but Mrs. Dicke (front right) deserves to be recognized. When she heard that our teacher in Andrew Jackson Elementary (Donna Schultz) was starting on her master's degree in night school, she offered to share her entire professional library with her. In addition to the other supplies, I'll be bringing two cases of Mrs. Dicke's professional books to Donna Schultz. This story just keeps getting better and better!

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